Here’s a real battle of opposites: PGWA legend Amber O’Neal returns to our ring for the second time of late after a lengthy absence, and she’s going up against a newcomer making her own PGWA debut! Of course, the blonde veteran doesn’t expect to have any trouble at all against this rookie kid, and of course she’s right… isn’t she?
Indeed, with the opening bell, O’Neal completely ignores Jannetty, instead spending her time taunting and arguing with the crowd, and making a mockery of the referee’s authority. But when the blonde finally deigns to begin the match, her staggering self-confidence is knocked quite a few pegs down, as the rookie quickly puts her down to the mat for a near-three count!
Now warier of her opponent, Amber manages to get Jenny into the corner where she works her over. But the brunette is able to turn the tide, and she takes her adversary on a trip around the ring, slamming her pretty face into all four of the top turnbuckles! She then displays a solid talent for submission grappling, leaving the blonde howling in agony from an ankle lock.
The battle rages on, with both women giving as good as they get. Ultimately, one wrestler wins via a truly amazing bridging move!
The return of Amber… the debut of Jenny… and one wild melee between the two! Who could ask for anything more?