Tag-Team Thunder in Carolina


Susan Green & San Antonio Rose vs. Reggie Bennett & LeiLani Kai

Run Time: 23 mins
File Size: 250 MB
Video Quality: 480p


A classic from the PGWA Vault!

Susan Green and Leilani Kai had been arch-rivals for years and following their brutal PGWA title match (#575), the heat between Susan and Reggie Bennett was white hot! So, when Kai and Bennett challenged Green to a tag match, Susan called on a fellow Texas cowgirl, San Antonio Rose, to be her partner.

Put four such powerful women in the ring, each of them well-versed in the Old School art of “rasslin'”, and what we get is less of a professional wrestling contest, and more of a Southern brawl that would have done Dick Murdoch and Harley Race proud!

Each team does real damage to the other, but Leilani and Reggie have an advantage in that they are both so skilled in the talent of double teaming. As a result, as the match roars on, Susan and Rose find themselves on the receiving end of some devastating punishment.

Yet even when the match is officially over, Green isn’t ready to finish just yet, and she continues to attack her opponents… including very nearly sending Reggie right through a wall! (Truly, patching that hole is one of the most unusual bills the PGWA ever had to pay in our long history. We suggested they keep the hole, and put a picture frame around it, because it was a genuine work of wrestling art!)

There’s something about the great lady’s action of yesteryear that is only rarely matched today. That’s why no true fan of the women would ever want to miss this one!