Heather Owens makes her PGWA debut, after demanding “the toughest girl you can find!” And that’s just the kind of challenge Miss Rachel likes!
They strain against each other in their initial lock-up, which ends in stalemate. Trying again, Owens manages to shove the Brit into the corner, where she gives her a nasty eye rake. Third time out, Rachel manages to actually shove Heather right out of the ring!
That matter settled, they get down to the real business at hand… beating the other! The two mix power moves with submission holds… but things get nasty when Heather decides to sink her teeth into Rachel!
What started out as a match between competitors becomes something much more personal, as these two batter, slam and stomp one another, each intent on annihilating the other!
The two women both endure much over the course of this battle, until the end finally… and abruptly… comes for one of them.
Heather Owens is looking to make a splash in the PGWA… Miss Rachel is intent on denying that to her… so how can you possibly pass this one up?