Pandora Means Trouble


Tracy “TT” Taylor vs. Pandora

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Run Time: 18 mins
File Size: 549 MB
Video Quality: 720p


Here’s a recent match shot shortly before Tracy lost her PGWA championship to Nemesis. Having pledged to never refuse a credible challenge, the Hawaiian beauty here faces for the first time the exotic New York ring technician known only as Pandora.

The opening minutes of this match are owned by the challenger, as she dazzles the shocked Champ with a lightning-fast array of moves, resulting in several near-pinfalls. Taylor manages to take the fight outside of the ring, where she is able to assert control. Battering the contender into near-unconsciousness, Tracy rolls her back into the ring for the pin, but Pandora is narrowly able to roll free at the last moment.

The Hawaiian continues her attack for long minutes more, now seemingly more interested in punishing Pandora than in pinning her. The New Yorker makes a few feeble attempts to fight back, but they are easily rebuffed.

But then…long past the point where she should have been battered into oblivion, Pandora drags upon her last dregs of strength and roars back to life! Suddenly, it’s a battle of equals again…much to Tracy’s chagrin!

Eventually, with all hope of forcing a submission from the other exhausted, one woman has to resort to literally knocking her rival out to beat her!

Longtime fans know that Tracy Taylor is one of the most exciting women in the ring today, and Pandora is a magnificent addition to the PGWA roster…so don’t miss this one!