The PGWA returns to California, where the ring erupts with a volcanic burst of violence between these two battling beauties!
The ever-popular Trinity steps between the ropes to face a longtime nemesis, Nikki. Each wrestler brings her ‘A’ Game to this one, subjecting one another to an array of agonizing submission holds. Of course, with no referee used for this Grudge Match, neither Nikki nor Trinity are reluctant to use some roughhousing tactics that aren’t exactly in the rulebook.
On and on they battle, each pushed to their limits of endurance by the pain and exhaustion. Near the end, they swing their leaden arms, hammering away at each other as they trade staggering punches, each obsessed with knocking out the other. Finally, a vicious kick to the face leaves one woman splayed unconscious on the mat, and the victor calls the camera in for a closer look as she tauntingly plants a boot on her beaten rival’s chest and flexes in a victory pose!
Don’t assume by the title of this match that you know who the winner is… maybe Nikki got the knockout, or maybe the New Yorker was the one who was KO’d. You’ll just have to order this one to find out!