This night was one wild hurricane of wrestling action, and Kacee Carlisle was smack dab in the eye of the storm!
Things start out simply enough, as Kacee meets Misty in the ring for their scheduled match. Now, anyone who has seen Misty wrestle knows that the ‘Queen of Kingsport’ is one tough woman… an irresistible force in the squared circle. So, what happens when she slams into the immovable object that is Carlise? Fireworks, that’s what!
This is a bruising, brawling contest between two determined competitors, with the final decision going right down to the wire. Kacee does manage to pin Misty, leaving her semi-conscious on the mat as she first taunts her beaten opponent, and then cruelly kicks her under the ropes and letting her crash to the arena floor!
And that’s when things REALLY got interesting…!
Watching the match from the locker room entrance that night was a young woman named Jayme Jameson. A rising star of the ring in the Mid-Atlantic region, Ms. Jameson was so incensed as Carlisle’s insulting treatment of Misty, she ran into the ring to give Kacee a piece of her mind. One thing leads to another, and suddenly these two are in an impromptu match of their own!
And if anything, this match is even more riotous than the first one! So intense is the emotion between them, a simple pin will not do… one woman finally beats the other by trapping her in an inescapable hold and forcing her to endure the humiliation of having to verbally submit!
Three outstanding women… two wild matches…one amazing spectacle that will be a crown jewel of your collection for years to come!