Lox Rox


Shelby Beach vs. Loxleigh

SKU CC05 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 17 mins
File Size: 554 MB
Video Quality: 720p


It would seem that things are not all well between the Amazon Queens. Consequently, what should have been a friendly sparring match between the two tag partners instantly escalated into a full-blown battle. Neither admits it verbally, but their actions make it clear that both Shelby and Loxleigh hold the other accountable for their devastating defeat.

And they take out their anger not only with a multitude of agonizing submission holds but with more than a few illegal tactics as well, including closed-fist punches and strangling!

The dust only settles when one blonde is finally driven to tap out from an agonizing Crossface Crippler. But have the partners worked out their differences, or have we perhaps seen the finish of the Amazon Queens?