Vanessa Harding has battled… and beaten… some of the very best in the business. And one look at her now, and you realize she’s in the best shape of her career. Any women would have to be very brave, or very foolish, to accept a match with her, no doubt.
Trinity is no fool, but perhaps the youngster’s courage has outweighed her good sense on this day. For all of her skill and spunkiness, she’s going up against a wrestling wrecking machine in this one, and Vanessa is intent on giving her opponent a lesson she won’t ever forget.
And within minutes, the veteran is already making poor Trinity scream with a camel clutch, followed by a crossface crippler. Still, the rookie refuses to submit, and she even manages to shock Harding by taking control of the fight… but Vanessa cruelly ends that with a very illegal blow that leaves the agonized Trinity sobbing, “Why do people do that?” (Clearly, she’s been the unhappy victim of this tactic before!).
As the battle progresses, Trinity realize she has nothing to lose by going all out, and she viciously tries to dislocate the blonde’s knee on the ropes… only to have Harding respond with thumb gouges to the eyes and a bodyscissors which redistributes a number of the poor girl’s ribs!
As the battle wears on, Vanessa subjects Trinity to all manner of punishments, although the youngster manages to get more than a few shots in herself, including returning the favor of the low blow, allowing her to ask the anguished veteran, “How do you like it?”
And how will you like it? Add this one to your collection, because we think you’ll like it a whole lot!