As a rule, PGWA GrudgeMatches are… as the name suggests… opportunities for ongoing rivals to try and settle their feud once and for all. But in this instance, two women who have never met before see their match swiftly transformed into what is undeniably a GrudgeMatch!
What triggers this development is Misty Heat, who decided to blindside DeBella before the opening bell even sounds! She then compounds her viciousness with hairpulling, eyepoking, and some good old fashioned Tennessee boot to the throat!
And that’s all DeBella needs get herself fired up! Going into this match, all she was looking for was a win. But now, she won’t settle for anything less than demolishing her opponent!
Of course, that’s easier said than done, as Misty has plans to win this one as well… !
The popular DeBella returns, and Misty Heat makes her PGWA debut! How could you possibly pass this one up?