
Fall Brawl Match 5

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Thunder Kitty vs. Jessie Belle Jones

SKU AA07 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 20 mins
File Size: 316 MB
Video Quality: 480p


ThunderKittty is our PGWA Champion (having defeated Nemesis on 8/4 in Wilmington, OH) and this is a title match. ThunderKittty comes out to Patsy Cline’s “Walking After Midnight”! Jessie makes it three former OVW Ladies Champions on this show!

They trade armworking to start as the crowd is really quiet here. ThunderKittty hangs on to a headlock and eventually pulls Jessie down to the mat. Jessie wriggles around and pulls ThunderKittty into a headscissors. They repeat this, but this time Jessie hits the Eyepoke of Doom and gets away. ThunderKittty gets a couple of rollups and a backslide but can’t get a three count.

Jessie slings ThunderKittty into the corner and gives her a “Kiss My Grits” splash for 2. Jessie locks in a body scissors then moves around to butterfly the arms. Jessie is up to kick and stomp ThunderKittty. Jessie goes back to butterfly the arms but ThunderKittty fights back only to get hairpulled back down. Jessie bangs ThunderKittty’s head into two turnbuckles but ThunderKittty returns the favor but takes another Eyepoke of Doom.

Jessie does some more choking before working on ThunderKittty’s back and arms. She then intermittently puts her feet on the ropes for leverage as long as ref Andrews doesn’t see it. Jessie finally gets spotted doing this and is made to break the hold. ThunderKittty sunset flips Jessie for 2 but Jessie rolls her forward for 2 as this repeats a few times.

Jessie tries a surfboard on ThunderKittty then sets up and hits a suplex for 2. Jessie gets a few more two counts before complaining to Andrews. Jessie backs ThunderKittty into the corner and boots her in the ribs. ThunderKittty fights back with forearms, takes yet another Eyepoke of Doom, then reverses Jessie’s DDT into one of her own.

ThunderKitty boxes Jessie’s ears and pie faces her before suplexing her for 2. They trade forearm shots then ThunderKitty takes Jessie down with a claw and pins her in 13:00!

Jessie takes out her frustration by giving ref Andrews a kick to the groin!!