Debbie’s Debut


Pippa L’Vinn vs. Debbie Sharp

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Run Time: 21 mins
File Size: 617 MB
Video Quality: 720p


When Scottish lass Debbie Sharp decided she wanted to make a big splash in her PGWA debut, she did the most outrageous thing she could think of: she challenged none other than Pippa L’Vinn.

Of course, that act vastly increased the odds that her first match in the PGWA might very well also prove to be her last…!

But the youngster certainly doesn’t lack for confidence, and as she proves at the outset, she certainly doesn’t lack for skills, either. Then again, when it comes to skills, Pippa herself didn’t simply write the book…she could author the entire encyclopedia of wrestling! She’s brilliant at taking holds that are inconveniences and turning them into catastrophes for her opponents, much to their detriment. And she takes a special delight here, progressively, methodically and painfully wearing her curvaceous adversary down.

Forgoing pin attempts, L’Vinn sneers that she’s going to “break” the youngster, and she proceeds to try to do just that. Impressively, Sharp withstands the onslaught as theminutes tick by, and even manages to get in flurries of offense of her own. Finally, after nearly twenty full minutes of action, Pippa wrings a tap out from Debbie.

But although she met with defeat this day, Sharp proved herself to be a competitor
well worth watching, and we’re certain we’ll be seeing her in the PGWA again someday soon!