Nemesis arrives in the ring to face Lady S… last seen in the PGWA ring in the mid-90s!… in a GrudgeMatch for the belt. However, she is startled to see instead none other than Miss Rachel step between the ropes. It seems the British Sensation felt that ‘Big Mama’ had been dodging her, so Rachel invoked the name of Lady S to lure the Champ into a match!
These two have such a raucous history between them, it comes as no surprise they tear into one another right from the very start. And they don’t simply try to hold the upper hand… they both aim to damage the other as painfully as possible!
And despite the presence of a referee, both Nemesis and Rachel aren’t hesitant to ignore the rules when it suits them… with Rachel in particular displaying a vicious side she usually keeps under wraps. Indeed, the English battler unleashes a maelstrom of punishment the likes of which the Champion has never seen! Minute after minute, Nemesis is rocked from one corner of the ring to the other, and as the clock ticks, it seem more and more likely that the PGWA will have a new titleholder soon!
Of course, Big Mama didn’t become the Champ through blind luck, and she isn’t about to make things easy for Rachel!
This one is jam-packed with everything from bulldogs, bodyvises and splashes to choking, clawholds and eye gouges, with plenty more in between! You do NOT want to let this bout pass you by!