This video opens up with Shelby preparing for her scheduled match, with her tag partner, Pippa, asking her what her strategy is. The Blonde Bombshell reveals she intends to keep it simple… just overwhelm the other girl and pin her. But L’Vinn doesn’t care for that, thinking Beach is over-confident, and she advises a more complex strategy of wearing the woman down and then drawing a submission.
The pair bicker a bit over this when suddenly a text arrives, informing them that Shelby’s opponent can’t make it. Shelby and Pippa…longtime enemies, and only recently uneasy allies… decide to take this opportunity to revisit their long-running feud, with the brunette taking the absent wrestler’s place. “I’m going to kick your ass… its been a long time since I’ve done that!” Pippa avows.
What ensues can only be described thus: Pippa L’Vinn and Shelby Beach, each at their pinnacle of skill and power, holding nothing back! And those who have witnessed these two battle in the past can only feel a shiver of delight when we say that this is, quite possibly, their finest match ever!
They don’t simply battle one another…they torture each other’s bodies mercilessly. You’ll be astonished at the intensity of the action, as well as by the creative complexity of their holds. And after an incredible back-and-forth contest, one beauty snares her rival in an amazing hold that uses the poor victim’s own body against her. You’ll have to see it to believe it!
The Pippa/Shelby matches have consistently ranked among the very best PGWA battles year after year, and this one takes their war to new heights!