Pippa’s Ring Rage


Pippa L’Vinn vs. Alpha Female

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Run Time: 20 mins
File Size: 371 MB
Video Quality: 720p


If, in years to come, fans are asked to look back and choose the most incredible ring battle in Pippa L’Vinn’s storied career, we would not be surprised if this were at the top of a lot of lists!

Pippa, of course, needs no introduction to PGWA fans. Alpha Female, on the other hand, is making her PGWA pro debut here, but her fame has preceded her.

The intensity of this match is incredible! Both wrestlers are at their physical peaks, and each subjects the other to a dizzying array of punishing holds, bearhugs and headlocks to surfboards and legbars… and a fair assortment of illegal moves, like hairpulling and low blows! Pippa’s speed and agility is pitted against Alpha’s strength and stamina, and neither warrior holds back anything!

As minute after grueling minute ticks by, it’s astonishing that these two can maintain the frantic pace of their wild battle. Inevitably, one woman is forced to swallow her pride and submit, or face serious injury. Rest assured though, she was not a gracious loser, and demands for a rematch weren’t long in coming!

This is Pippa at her very best, challenged by a woman who proves every inch her equal. If you are a true fan of women’s pro wrestling, then you simply cannot deny yourself this one!