Last Woman Standing


April vs. Fiona Fraser vs. Gail Jillette vs. Kirsty Love vs. Nikki Storm vs. Pippa L’Vinn vs. Shelby Beach vs. Vyper

Run Time: 20 mins
File Size: 584 MB
Video Quality: 720p


If this wrestling match could be a card game, it would be Crazy 8s! Take eight highly skilled, highly competitive wrestlers, tell them that the last woman left in the ring is the winner, and then stand back and let the mayhem ensue!

The referee is smart enough to get out of the ring and watch from the outside, because being in the middle of this maelstrom is no place for a non-combatant! There’s neither rhyme nor reason as the action unfolds: alliances are made and then broken in the span of heartbeats…a moment’s weakness can lead to one woman being the target of all… and the very concept of ‘Good Sportswomanship’ is the first victim thrown out of the ring!

Watch as one beauty, perceived by the others as the biggest initial threat, is brutally attacked and hammered by her rivals! Gasp as one lass employs a particularly vicious illegal tactic to excellent effect against her adversaries! Marvel as all eight women manage to catch one another in a ‘dragon tail’ of headlocks!

Ultimately, six women are ejected from the battlefield, leaving two warriors…and thus erupts an incredibly brutal singles match between them, until finally one agonized and exhausted beauty claims her stake as the Last Woman Standing!

Fans, this one has to be seen to be believed!