We open with Abriella in a rage (so what else is new?), the wild Amazon pounding on a steel door and snarling that her opponent is “like a Barbie doll, and I will rip… you… in… HALF!” We cut then to a perplexed Taryn, who asks, “Where is Amazonia, anyway?” But, she quickly adds with a self-confident grin, “It doesn’t matter… when I get her in the ring, she’s going to find out exactly what civilization can bring to her.”
The stage is thus set for a contest between raw power and savagery against grace and daring. When the opening minutes of the match go Taryn’s way, the bewildered Amazonia decries it as “witchcraft!”
But it isn’t long before the wild woman is making magic of her own, thanks in no small part to some illicit use of the ropes against Shay’s throat and eyes, as well as some fists to the belly thrown with so much force, you half-expect them to exit out the other side of the brunette!
The tide of battle shifts back and forth between the two, until one woman is finally able to snare the other in a punishing hold, forcing her to submit!
Afterward, intrepid reporter Jimmie Daniel interviews Taryn.
The return of the feral Amazonia and the PGWA debut of OVW superstar Taryn Shay, together in one wild battle… who could ask for anything more?