Equal Rights Night Match 2


Heather Owens vs. Lil Naughty

SKU U03b Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 12 mins
File Size: 278 MB
Video Quality: 720p


Lil’ Naughty makes her PGWA debut, having demanded a match against her arch-rival, Heather Owens. In her pre-match remarks, Owens talks a tough game, but once the match begins, she seems more determined to avoid locking up with Naughty than in fighting her.

When they finally do mix it up, a contest of armlocks ensues… but that’s just the technical calm before the storm, as these two hellcats ratchet up the action! Owens perhaps betrays her desperation to beat her rival by unleashing plenty of illegal tactics, screaming at the Southern battler to “Stay down!”

But you can’t keep a true daughter of the South down for long, and soon Naughty is dishing it right back to Heather. And as the battle builds in intensity, things get even wilder when the two women collide in twin mid-air crossbody tackles, sending them both to the canvas in a daze!

Ultimately, after a renewed struggle, one wrestler manages to shock and awe the other for the win. But which rival notches another win in their ongoing battle? Add this one to your collection to find out!