It’s a rare thing when this two powerhouses find themselves facing an opponent who can match her in sheer raw power, so it’s perhaps not surprising that Rachel and Camron opt to start this one fall GrudgeMatch with a test of strength, to determine right from the very outset who the mightier woman is.
Of course, anyone who knows Camron Star knows she’s an expert at the unpredictable; so even as Brit battler Rachel pours on the pressure, blonde Camron suddenly shifts tactics, smoothly and swiftly taking the startled brunette down to the mat where Star can take control of her.
Rachel, being a highly skilled grappler herself, manages to escape and apply her own hold, but within moments Camron is able to reverse it. Perhaps feeling that this was one contest she wasn’t going to win, Rachel put aside her grappling skills and unloaded with some bone-jarring fists to her opponent’s spine!
As the battle continues, both women punish each other in body-twisting holds, punctuated with fists, headbutts, clawholds, and even biting! After a tremendous see-saw struggle between them, one Amazon is finally forced to submit, or else face the crippling probability of having her hamstring muscles torn, as her rival viciously stretches her victim’s legs out past the breaking point!
Two big, very beautiful, and very, very bad ladies battle it out in this one, and you will NOT want to miss it!