Big Money Loser


Big Mama Nemesis vs. Kacee Carlisle w/Big Money

Run Time: 35 mins
File Size: 1034 MB
Video Quality: 720p


Since winning the belt, Nemesis has found the challenges coming fast and furious. In this match, she not only faces quite possibly the toughest contender yet for her new title, but also perhaps one of the roughest competitors she has ever faced!

Kacee Carlisle returns to the PGWA after several years, and bets everything on winning the gold… and to help her do so, she’s retained the services of one Big Money to act as her ringside manager. Clearly, the challenger aims to stack as many of the odds in her favor as possible… and with her cunning cohort in her corner, Kacee is certain it’ll be Nemesis who comes out as the loser this night!

There’s some pre-match strutting and posturing in the ring, with “Big Mama” Nemesis edging out her rival in terms of fan response, and then the ladies get down to the real business of the evening. The Champ takes quick control with a grinding side headlock, but the challenger is soon able to take charge with a crushing headscissors. Their opening bona fides established, the wrestlers then get busy trying to twist each other’s arms out of their sockets!

Nemesis seems to have victory on her horizon when she splashes Kacee in the corner, but after she whips her to the opposite turnbuckle for a repeat, she’s met with a solid boot to the chest, and now it’s Carlisle’s turn to seize control… and she makes the most of it! The Champ finds herself on the receiving end of a real beatdown, including being choked on the ropes as Kacee snarls to the crowd, “Look at her… she’s nothing!” And adding to Big Mama’s woes are the cheap shots which Big Money manages to sneak past the ref.

Nemesis makes valiant efforts to get back on the offensive, but between her opponent’s brawling tactics and her conniving manager, the Champion finds herself back in dire straits time and again.

Then… suddenly… there is a pin! And without giving too much to say, it’s safe to reveal that Big Money plays a very big role in just who wins… and he winds up laid out on the canvas for his troubles!

Nemesis continues to dazzle as the new Champ, and Kacee amply proves why she’s known as one of the toughest women in the sport. Add one great battle with before and after-match interviews with both women, and you’ve got a match you don’t dare miss!