This is Miss Rachel’s first match back from maternity leave, and rather than take it easy and shake off the ring rust with a pushover opponent, she asked Commissioner Susan Green to book her against the toughest woman available. The Brit wanted to push herself to the limit, and the PGWA was happy to comply.
Nemesis is none too thrilled about having to come to “Trashville”, but the opportunity to take on and beat a woman of Rachel’s caliber was simply too tempting for the fame-hungry Ohioan.
The crowd explodes with cheers as Rachel is introduced, and they show their affection with a rousing chant of “Go Rachel Go!” This irritates Nemesis to no end, and she decides to teach the fans a lesson by putting a huge beatdown on their heroine. Of course, Rachel wasn’t about to make it easy for Nemesis, and the two women pull out all of the stops in a wild melee!
As both stand 5’9”, each is used to being the most powerful wrestler in the match, so it’s a rare night when each has to give her all this way. The ring really shakes from their power… and soon enough, it can’t contain the brawl!
Trailed the entire way by the referee and a cameraman, the fight spills out of the arena and into the backstage area, where the two women use whatever they can…walls, tables, electrical cords… to punish each other! But it doesn’t end there!
Next the brawl moves to the Stadium Inn’s lobby, and from there into a stairwell, through a lounge, down a hallway of the hotel itself, and then, incredibly, into the parking lot! In the shadow of the famous Titans Stadium, this amazing slugfest finally comes to it’s shattering end when one beauty grabs a broken steel chair from the dumpster, brings it down across her rival’s head, and then pins the nearly-unconscious battler right there on the pavement!
The PGWA has brought you some truly wild wars in the past, but NOTHING compares to this one!