Mila’s Open Challenge


Mila Naniki vs. Miss Hannah

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Run Time: 16 mins
File Size: 252 MB
Video Quality: 480p


Once upon a time, the wrestling world was divided into territories, each one governed by a regional promoter, who had his own stable of stars. Any outside wrestler who wished to venture into a territory could do so only with the sanction of that area’s booker.

While the territorial concept is long gone, Mila Naniki is launching a one-woman crusade to revive it. Specifically, she has decided that the PGWA is HER territory, and any newcomer who wants to enter can only do so through her!

The first woman to challenge that audacious assumption is Miss Hannah, an exciting young talent who aims to make her mark in the PGWA. But as far as Mila is concerned, this will be Hannah’s first and last appearance, and prior to the match she makes plain just how unimpressed she is with her opponent.

But that opinion gets radically revised in a hurry, as the blonde swiftly proves herself more than able to hold her own against the bodacious Boricua. As the match unfolds, both wrestlers use their limbs as both weapons and as targets, punishing one another with scissors and armholds, and at times the action teeters on the edge of a brawl!

The match goes down to the wire, until one battler locks on a vicious chokehold, forcing her victim to tap out or face being knocked out.

Does Mila make good on her claim to territorial control, or does Hannah break her grip? Add this one to your collection to find out!