LADYSPORTS STORY: Pippa & Shelby Rock On!

Pippa L'Vinn & Shelby Beach in Music Video

KIRSTY Sings "If You Can't Make Me Happy"...

Pippa  and Shelby appear in music video by Kirsty Almeida...
The 'Rock 'n Wrestling Era' continues to thrive, thanks to British 
musician Kirsty Almeida and a couple of ladies well known to LadySports 
fans... Pippa L'Vinn and Shelby Beach!

The music video for Kirsty's song, "If You Can't Make Me Happy", was not 
only shot at the fabled Wrestling Factory in Manchester (home to countless 
PGWA and Southern Belles matches), but actually features Shelby and Pippa 
in a rollicking, slam-bang wrestling match!

"If You Can't Make Me Happy" is available on the CD "Déjàvoodu", from 
All Made Up Records.  

Kirsty's Facebook page is at

Buy the album? PayPal $20 to

If You Can't Make Me Happy from six second video on Vimeo.

We thank Kristy for the opportunity to share this video with our fans!