LadySports ::: DISCORD


Defining Disharmony

by S. Mata

DISCORD: dis·cord (dis'kôrd')
1. Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things.
2. Tension or strife; dissension.
3. dispute; war.

Define it with words all you like, but the fact of the matter is, in the world of pro wrestling, Discord isn't explained by words... it's embodied by five feet, seven inches and one-hundred and seventy pounds of ominous attitude.

It was early in 2006 that a lifelong wrestling fan decided to pursue her dream and enter the sport herself. And to achieve this, she sought out a high-power trainer, none other than the legendary Afa the Wild Samoan, who was one-half of one of the greatest tag teams in classic WWF history.

The young woman known only as Discord, even to those at the Wild Samoan Training Center, was not staking a place for herself in the sport in search of fame and glory. No, hers is a darker pursuit. "I try to beat people up and make them hurt as much as I do. I don't like anyone. I can't trust the people around me... that's why I only have my dolls to worry about."

Ah, yes... the dolls. She calls them her only allies... indeed, her only friends... and she brings them to the ring with her. But whereas most girls have a cute little ragamuffin at their side, Discord clings to ragged playthings that appear just as disturbed as she is.

Yet in spite of her somewhat bleak notions, even Discord finds the lure of wrestling's glamour difficult to resist. "I love the action and the whole spectacle of it," she reveals in a moment of introspection. Then her eyes grow dark again and she sneers, "As long as I'm beating someone up, nothing else matters."

Since her debut, Discord has wreaked havoc aplenty in World X-treme Wrestling, and is currently locked in a brutal feud with WXW Ladies Champion Kacee Carlisle. But she's had a number of memorable matches against other opponents as well, including a bruising Triple Threat Match, as well as a Mixed Casket Match against Acid Zero.

Given her ring style... "I do whatever it takes to try and win. I'm a brawler, but I can also pull out a power move or a technical maneuver on you, too. I'll use choking, forearms to the face, clotheslines... anything that I want to do"... it's rather amazing that she hasn't wound up seriously injured yet. But other than a sprained ankle in training, a concussion courtesy of a Power Bomb from another ring rival, Monique, and a recent bloody nose delivered by Carlisle, Discord has managed to keep herself healthy. This is due in no small part, undoubtedly, to the intensive training of Afa, which stresses, simply yet profoundly enough, "Get in all the basics, because without them, you have nothing."

Clearly, the physicality of wrestling has tremendous appeal to this enigmatic young woman, who almost seems to be trying to drive her own demons out by inflicting agony on her opponents... or is she merely giving in to the malevolent desires of those demons? And she isn't choosy about who she'll step into the ring with. "Anyone," she avows. "I'll fight anyone who wants to face me."

Inevitably, thanks to her success in the ring and her outré persona, Discord has earned more than a few admirers. However, she couldn't care less about them, or about winning the approval of the crowd. In truth, she seems to refuse to believe anyone could support her. "Everyone hates me. They love to yell and antagonize me." And antagonizing her is definitely not wise... for her opponents, at least.

In response to those who may suggest that females can't wrestle with the intensity and fortitude of their male counterparts, she states, "Women can kick ass. Period." But that's not to say she's happy to see every sort of woman in the business. "Get rid of the trashy divas and bring back real women's wrestling," she forebodingly declares.

And perhaps it's a result of being taught in the 'Old School' way, but Discord doesn't always feel quite at home in today's world of Professional Wrestling. If she had the power, she says, "I'd erase people's memories of everything that was exposed that the fans shouldn't have seen."

But despite all of the grim pronouncements, the angry scowls, and the violence... above all, the violence... once can't help but suspect, watching this woman in action, that maybe, just MAYBE, she's allowing herself to have a little bit of fun.

That is, if the dolls let her...

Check out Discord's MySpace page at or at

pics courtesy of Discord






